You Must Build Your Tent Somewhere

The harsh judgments of humanity against the actual performance of Christianity are with us for the rest of history. All peoIt is never a black-and-white story, although our dualistic minds (on either side!) want to make it so. You can, however, know the dark side and history of Christianity and still happily be a Christian. (I count myself among this group!) But it takes a contemplative or nondual mind, which does not allow you denial but teaches you integration, reconciliation, and forgiveness. ple need to do is Google, and they will know what really seems to have happened.

You must build your tent somewhere in this world, and there is no pedestal of purity on which to stand apart and above. Blood cries out from” every plot of land on this earth (Genesis 410). It is only our egos that want and demand such superiority. Religion tends to start with purity codes” of one type or another, but it must not end there.

–Father Richard Rohr, The Universal Christ: how a forgotten reality can change everything we see, hope for, and believe; page 206

This is one of the most powerful passages in the best book I have ever read. Either you understand what he says or you don’t.